About New Road Church

Newcomer Information

First… we are glad you are checking us out. Here are the basics. Sunday morning worship begins at 10:15 a.m. Feel free to dress comfortably. There is a nursery provided for children birth through 3 years of age. Joy Connection our children’s ministry (preschool – 6th) takes place simultaneously with the adult worship service. Upbeat music, practical Bible teaching, and warm fellowship characterize our church…hope to see you this Sunday !

Denominational Information

New Road Church is affiliated with the National Association of Free Will Baptists which is a fellowship of churches in both the United States and in 13 foreign countries.

Below are various links that will provide you with a great deal of information about the National Association of Free Will Baptists.

Core Values

WE VALUE THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God. It is the subject matter of our study, the authority of our belief, and the standard of our conduct.

WE VALUE PEOPLE:  We believe that all people matter to God and that we have a responsibility to love one another and seek to help everyone we can to become a committed follower of Jesus Christ.

WE VALUE GENUINE WORSHIP:  We believe that our Lord is worth of our worship and praise. Each week we seek to exalt and honor the Savior, Jesus Christ, through dynamic music, practical teaching, loving fellowship, fervent prayer, and generous giving.

WE VALUE THE GOSPEL: The gospel is the good news of salvation. We believe that there is salvation in no one but Jesus Christ. We believe that the message of the gospel transforms lives and we are committed to sharing that message with our community and our world.

WE VALUE SERVICE: We believe that every Christian has been gifted to render service for the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ.

WE VALUE PRAYER: We believe that nothing of lasting significance is accomplished apart from the powerful result of prayer.

WE VALUE FAITH:  The Bible says that “without faith it is impossible to please God.” Faith is the foundation to all we are and all we do as followers of Jesus. We seek as a church to be a place where faith blossoms, grows, and flourishes.

World Missions

The congregation of First Free Will Baptist supports missionary ministries throughout the world. Click on the images below for further information on the missionaries we support and the missions agencies of the National Association of Free Will Baptists.